
The Killer Panda Bear Dream (5/6/10)

     I'm in this park with Leigh Thomas and a bunch of other people (but she's the only one I can remember) and all the sudden this killer panda bear comes and attacks everyone.  It's pretty vicious and taking people out right and left.  I'm trying to run away but it follows anyone who moves.  So I try to get away from all the other people so it will attack them and not me (real noble, right?).  I get away from it, but it's killed almost all of my friends (not sure if Leigh made it or not, hoping for her sake she did).  
     Then we're in this building instead of the park (I think it was the church actually).  I'm trying to warn everyone there about the killer panda.  I tell them that all these people are dead and how sad I am.  I take them to show them all the people but they're gone.  Then I realize that I could go lock myself in this room so that the panda couldn't get to me.  The other people decide that naturally the best course of action is to burn down the park/building (what brilliant people fill my dreams). 
     Then I'm at the lake by the Old Mill and the lake is drained.  I realize that I'm all by myself and thus an easy target to spot for Mr. Killer Panda.  I start running to get back to where everyone else is while trying to not run in to the panda on the way.  I get back to where everyone is and they've decided that since they haven't seen the panda in a while it must be gone and so everyone just goes back to normal (like I said brilliant people).  I, of course, realize this is absurd and that there is still a killer panda on the loose somewhere.  The end.

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