
The Soviet with a Gun Dream

I'm going to go see one of my kids and I'm running a little late so instead of stopping by the office (like I usually do) I decide to just head straight over there.  I'm on the wrong street but I'm pretty sure I know how to get there from where I am.  I'm no longer in my car but am walking.  I run into Michael Richardson who starts telling me about some weird medical condition he's got going on.  Then a whole bunch of other people come over and he's talking about how he wants to go to the bear house that night (no clue what that is).  I'm about to start heading to my kid's house when this woman come and gets me and says I have to go in and fill out all this paper work. 

So I start filling it out and then the woman comes back and tells me I'm going to be counted late if I don't hurry up and get it done. So I go back to the office and there is a ton of stuff for me to fill out.  It's going to take hours.  The woman who is my supposed boss was my old boss from my job in high school.  She's telling me websites to go to to print stuff off and to hurry.  It's getting later in the day and it's almost time for me to be off work but I still haven't seen my student from that morning.  I call her and get her dad's voice mail.  We had just been talking about something and his voice mail addresses exactly what it was we were talking about (I can't remember what it was).  We all start laughing.  Justine Gladden comes over and offers to sit with me while I fill out all the papers, which I think is extremely kind of her. 

My office is now in this water world type setting.  There's water from the edge of my office extending out and in the middle of it is this Soviet (???) with a gun keeping guard.  All the sudden, these two men on four wheeler/jet skis come and open fire.  They kill my boss and the other people in my office.  I take off across the water trying to get away. 

I decide to run to the Soviet because I know he'll open fire.  I run towards him and get down low so that he shoots the bad guys instead of me.  He shoots one and then purposely shoots the other saying how they had killed a little girl last week.  All the sudden, I'm this big hero and everyone's congratulating me and I go up to where all these people are.  They congratulate me and we talk about watching a movie later. 

I get done with them and I go to wash my hands.  As I'm walking back down I see that Anthony Jackson has taken over for the Soviet guy and he's wearing this green scarf. I think about how weird it looks but go over to say hi anyway.  There's a bunch of people that are about to watch a tv show right there and Zack Morris then takes over the dream.  He does a recap of the lessons learned and then get on to his robot, Wall-E, for selling tickets behind his back.  Weird.